How to Keep Your Fitness Resolution (Without Hurting Yourself)

Now that you’re committed to living a healthier life, let’s talk about the safest way to begin exercising. Take this advice, and you’re less like to end up at one of our offices being treated with physical therapy.

See a doctor

Thought we were going straight to the gym, right? Not just yet.

If you’re pretty fit, you may consider skipping this. However, if this is the first time you’ve worked out in several years (or ever), you might want to get some medical advice first.

Consider visiting a doctor if:

  • You’re significantly overweight
  • You have a family history of hear disease
  • You’re diabetic
  • You have dizziness, difficulty breathing or other discomfort with exertion

The Mayo Clinic has a more complete list of reasons to see a doctor before exercising. It’s better to be safe than end up passed out on a gym floor because you overdid it.

Warm up before working out

The warm-up is one of the most important parts of exercising.

Your warm-up gradually brings your heart rate up and gets your blood flowing. It also increases the elasticity of your muscles, making you less likely to get injured while working out.

A warm-up should include 5-10 minutes of cardio, perhaps walking on a treadmill. Start slow and gradually increase speed.

Likewise, your warm-up should include stretching. Stretching increases your flexibility and range of motion. If you lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle, you’ll need to work on both of those things.

Start slow

Even if you played sports in high school, you may not be in the shape that you used to be. Jumping right into a high-intensity workout can leave you injured and unable to exercise.

The truth is, you don’t even have to join a gym to begin living healthier. Take 15 minutes to walk around your neighborhood at a moderate pace. Go for a bike ride around town.

Taking it easy to start prevents you from getting burned out, losing your confidence and heading back to the recliner. Likewise, taking it easy helps your body get used to exercising again.

Work with a personal trainer

There’s no shame in asking for help, even if you used to work out all of the time. You can work with a personal trainer to set reasonable goals, and work to reach those goals without injuring yourself.

Most larger gyms will have a personal trainer on staff, and they usually offer a free first consultation. Take them up on that offer before you hit the treadmill.


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